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Project Parameters


The Survey


For my first project parameter I am making a survey. For the survey I'm giving it to my family, and friends. The survey is on conspiracy theories, and it will give results about if they beileve these conspiracy theories, or remember possible mandela affects. To be successful I will have to get at least twenty five people to take my survey. When I get the results I will make a graph or chart. 

Alien Timeline



For my second project parameter I am making a alien timeline. On the timeline it will show alien sightings from people who have claimed to spot aliens or UFO's. To be successful I will try to find something common in all of the stories, or sightings. I will need at least ten sightings on the timeline. 

Mandela Affect Blog


For my third project parameter I am making a mandela affect blog. A mandela affect is when you remember something happening, but it actually never happened. For the project I will make a blog that will explain popular mandela affects. I will write about them, and explain why people believe them. To be successful I I will have to write blog entrys about ten popular mandela affects, and have some readers become interested, or remember things that never actually happened.

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